Free, Interdisciplinary Lessons

We strive to create mind-expanding learning experiences that a non-specialist can teach in any G5-12 classroom with 15 minutes of prep time!

Made open access by these funding organizations and research institutions:

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Galactic Polymath Mini-Unit Releases

Each unit has 2-6 lessons created through 100s of collaborative hours by scientists, teachers, artists, and filmmakers.

And they're all free!


Galactic Polymath Learning Tools


Jobviz Career Explorer

A starting point for students to explore 1,000 job possibilities

PacificH2O Interactive Web App

A Choose-Your-Own Adventure app that mediates a blended learning lab. Students identify & remove impurities in water samples as they embody different STEM career roles.

"Swimming in the Dark"

Run digital experiments to understand fish schooling.

"EchoSim" Echo Chamber Simulation

Explore how different human variables (like tolerance) affect social media networks.

Galactic Polymath Videos

For Lesson 3 of TEST.
For Lesson 3 of TEST.
For Lesson 4 of TEST.
For Lesson 1 of Balancing Act.
Part of Hybrid Zones.
For Lesson 1 of Hybrid Zones.
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Galactic Polymath Individual Lessons

Free lessons to engage students in current research, real world problems, and interdisciplinary thinking.

Lions, Ligers, and Pizzlies

An active, student-centered dive into what hybrids are and why they matter.

ScienceGrades: 8-12
45 min

Part of: Hybrid Zones

Chickadee Foraging Frenzy!

Students in groups of 3-4, will play a natural selection-inspired memory game that puts them in a hybrid zone. They will try to forage to survive the winter in 3 environments.

ScienceGrades: 8-12
45 min
data collection

Part of: Hybrid Zones

Making sense of hybridization and evolution

Students visualize their own gameplay data and engage in discussions prompted by video clips featuring 3 researchers. They will synthesize all that has been learned about hybridization, climate change, and evolution.

ScienceGrades: 8-12
45 min
analyzing and interpreting data
constructing explanations

Part of: Hybrid Zones

Heard that Bird?

A media-rich interactive presentation, asking students to follow along with scientists and identify bird sounds in pop culture.

ScienceGrades: 6-12
45 min
pop culture

Part of: Heard That Bird

Crafting Better Questions (feat. Ethnobotanist Rose Bear Don’t Walk)

Asking questions is fundamental to science, but how easy is it? Students will follow a young scientist and build their capacity to ask creative, interesting, higher-level questions.

ScienceGrades: 6–10
45 min
group work
indigenous science

Part of: SciJourneys

Weaving Hypotheses (feat. Biomechanical Engineer Ritu Raman)

Hypothesis is a fancy word for a potential answer to a question. Students will learn about cutting-edge biomechanical research as they connect hypotheses to their everyday experiences.

ScienceGrades: 6–10
45 min
scientific method

Part of: SciJourneys