Free, Interdisciplinary Lessons

We strive to create mind-expanding learning experiences that a non-specialist can teach in any G5-12 classroom with 15 minutes of prep time!

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Galactic Polymath Mini-Unit Releases

Each unit has 2-6 lessons created through 100s of collaborative hours by scientists, teachers, artists, and filmmakers.

And they're all free!

Made open access by these funding organizations and research institutions:


Galactic Polymath Learning Tools


Jobviz Career Explorer

A starting point for students to explore 1,000 job possibilities

Powering the Marae

Use this interactive web game to define a robust power mix for the fictional community at Punahiko Marae.

PacificH2O Interactive Web App

A Choose-Your-Own Adventure app that mediates a blended learning lab. Students identify & remove impurities in water samples as they embody different STEM career roles.

"Swimming in the Dark"

Run digital experiments to understand fish schooling.

"EchoSim" Echo Chamber Simulation

Explore how different human variables (like tolerance) affect social media networks.

Galactic Polymath Videos

For Lesson 3 of TEST.
For Lesson 3 of TEST.
For Lesson 4 of TEST.
Part of Mā te rauhiringa tātou e ora: Powerful Solutions.
For Lesson 2 of Mā te rauhiringa tātou e ora: Powerful Solutions.
Part of Pacific H2O.
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Galactic Polymath Individual Lessons

Free lessons to engage students in current research, real world problems, and interdisciplinary thinking.

Energy Everywhere

Explore how energy shows up in everyday life, the evolution of power demands throughout Aotearoa New Zealand’s history, and the factors that determine the price of electricity.

ScienceYears: 9-13
60 min
card sort

Part of: Mā te rauhiringa tātou e ora: Powerful Solutions

Punahiko Marae Power Lab

Students think like engineers to build model generators and learn how these devices scale up to power communities. Using our custom web app, work as a class to propose an optimal mix of energy sources.

ScienceYears: 9-13
60 min
interactive game
blended learning

Part of: Mā te rauhiringa tātou e ora: Powerful Solutions

Solar Origins

Understand conservation of energy and appreciate our Sun by learning how solar radiation produces wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and petrochemical energy.

ScienceYears: 9-13
60 min
conservation of energy
renewable energy

Part of: Mā te rauhiringa tātou e ora: Powerful Solutions

Life is full of tradeoffs

Explore tradeoffs between speed and endurance, size and survival of offspring and other examples in this data literacy activity.

ScienceGrades: 9-12
45 min
group work
data literacy

Part of: Balancing Act

Who will be the next top frog?

Measuring frog call performance with sound data.

ScienceGrades: 9-12
45 min
group work
data analysis

Part of: Balancing Act

Lions, Ligers, and Pizzlies

An active, student-centered dive into what hybrids are and why they matter.

ScienceGrades: 8-12
45 min

Part of: Hybrid Zones