We strive to create mind-expanding learning experiences that a non-specialist can teach in any G5-12 classroom with 15 minutes of prep time!
Each unit has 2-6 lessons created through 100s of collaborative hours by scientists, teachers, artists, and filmmakers.
And they're all free!
A crash course in data literacy using stream ecology
Tinkering with Light
How do we provide sustainable energy to communities?
Tradeoffs in frogs, humans, and other animals
Evolution's Testing Grounds
A Pop Culture Intro to Birding by Ear
Building Resilience in Science
A Choose-Your-Own STEM Adventure
Looking to Biology for Better Solutions
How group behavior can produce surprising problems...and solutions!
Exploring how crystal symmetry can power everyday life
How perception, emotion, and cognition shape our preferences
Chemical Engineering Dyes to Brighten Lives
Why Exceptions Matter in Biology and Everyday Life
Preventing extinction through gene flow
Challenging long-held assumptions about birdsong through data visualization
Free lessons to engage students in current research, real world problems, and interdisciplinary thinking.
A step by step procedure for interpreting a graph developed with scientists.
Part of: Data Streams
Students use the PPSTT method to compare and contrast streamflow data from 5 locations to solve a mystery. Lesson guided by scientists doing the same activity.
Part of: Data Streams
Discover the secrets printed on the US dollar bill using a water drop-lens, and explore lens innovations throughout history with a timeline puzzle sort.
Part of: Photon Engineers
Learn how lenses bend light through an interactive video, and brainstorm new materials to design a sight-correcting lens.
Part of: Photon Engineers
Illustrate the anatomy of a wave by linking together as a human wave-medium to transmit waves with different amplitudes and frequencies. Then, investigate the full spectrum of light waves with a ranking game.
Part of: Photon Engineers
Expand on the advanced properties of light. Then design a code that uses waves to send a message to Mars!
Part of: Photon Engineers