Students will draw their own social networks, ponder the meaning of complexity and begin to notice unexpected patterns that emerge around them, unnoticed. Through hands-on activities and digital experiments, students will discover how complexity research enriches our daily lives.
Summarizes key take-homes from lesson 2. Students will have explored The Game of Life to discover what emergence means.
Run digital experiments to understand fish schooling.
Explore how different human variables (like tolerance) affect social media networks.
Students will be able to...
Draw a personal social media network to represent their connections to others.
Analyze their own social network to grapple with the meaning of complexity.
Apply their understanding of complexity to the study of animal behavior.
Understand how species that live in groups evolved this behavior through natural selection.
Lesson 1 Presentation
Need: WiFi, Computers for students and teacher, Projector, Sound
Lesson 1 Worksheet (Teacher Key)
Print 1
Student Worksheet (Lesson 1)
Print 1 Per Student
Lesson 1 Overview (Teacher Guide)
30 min: Engage
Create Your Social Network
Create Your Social Network
Using a blank sheet of paper and colored pencils, students are guided through drawing a detailed graphic of their social network to illustrate the complexity of living in groups.
13 min: Explore & Explain
Why do animals live in groups?
Why do animals live in groups?
Students learn about group living in animals and make predictions about types of benefits and costs. The role of natural selection is discussed when analyzing examples.
Studying Complex Animal Behavior
Studying Complex Animal Behavior
Students are introduced to methods of studying animal groups, both in laboratory settings and the natural environment.
2 min: Conclusion
Summary & Preview
Summary & Preview
In the next lesson, students will dive into the unexpected group properties that arise from complexity.
Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.
This is a very cool interactive you can have students go through to learn more about social networks. It goes into an example of how particular social network structures can lead to the fallacy that binge drinking is more common (and therefore acceptable) than it actually is. You can determine whether this is appropriate for your class.
A video about how researchers at Oxford use remote monitoring and social network analysis to understand relationships and information sharing in the most well-studied, and unfortunately-named birds in the world: great tits (Parus major).
Students will be able to...
Apply a simple algorithm (set of rules) to predict the behavior of The Game of Life computer simulation.
Discover emergence (an unexpected property arising from simple behavioral rules in a large group) by using The Game of Life.
Apply their understanding of complexity to the study of animal behavior.
Recognize emergent patterns in everyday life.
Lesson 2 Presentation
Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound
Lesson 2 Worksheet (Teacher Key)
Print 1
Lesson 2 Worksheet (Students)
Print 1 Per Student
Lesson 2 Overview (Teacher Guide)
5 min: Evaluate
Students review the definition of complexity by applying it to a video of starlings.
10 min: Engage
Introduction to the Game of Life
Introduction to the Game of Life
Students learn the basics of the Game of Life by John Conway.
The Game of Life is a computational thinking activity that serves as a gateway for students to discover emergence. The simple rules of the simulation lead to very unexpected patterns.
10 min: Explore
Manipulate & Test Game of Life
Manipulate & Test Game of Life
Using a computer simulation, students make predictions and conduct tests of the Game of Life.
Our video is threaded throughout the presentation to support student learning: ▶ What makes a video go viral? Emergence!
10 min: Explain & Elaborate
Connect Game of Life to Emergence
Connect Game of Life to Emergence
Students explain emergence using examples from the previous computer simulation.
10 min: Explore
Introduction to Emergence in Real Life
Introduction to Emergence in Real Life
Emergence in real life is introduced using the example of an online video going viral.
Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.
Have students watch this video to get them connecting emergence to starling flocking behavior. This will help them connect to the Lesson 3 analog flocking activity on a deeper level.
Let students play around with the flocking simulation described in the video. This is similar to the swimming simulation they'll do in Lesson 4, but is not directly connected to a scientific study, nor does it allow for digital experimental trials.
Share this video with students to introduce them to more mind-blowing complexities and programming applications of Conway's Game of Life.
A cool video featuring The Atlantic's Ed Yong, talking about animal culture and the emergence of trends.
Students will be able to...
Explain how flocking and schooling represent emergent properties that arise from simple rules operating in a complex group.
Do a physical (analog) simulation to test if simple rules can reproduce schooling/flocking behavior.
Deeply understand how abstract parameters like following distance and cohesion translate into group movement patterns.
Lesson 3 Presentation (optional)
Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound
Lesson 3 Rule Cards (optional)
Print a few copies as visual aids
Lesson 3 Overview (Teacher Guide)
10 min: Getting Started
Use the detailed teacher guide to lead students in a discussion of the three basics of flocking behavior; alignment, cohesion, and separation.
The flocking activity is a kinesthetic gateway for students to discover emergence. The simple rules they will follow will lead to unexpected patterns.
Be sure that students understand the rules and expectations of this fun flocking activity before beginning.
25 min: Engage
Flock This Way!
Flock This Way!
Students go through multiple rounds of the flocking activity in a gymnasium or outdoors.
10 min: Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate
With guided reflection questions, students discuss or write about what they observed and learned about emergence during the flocking activity.
Optional activity variations are provided to test predictions about emergence and extend learning.
Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.
Optional homework assignment: watch this video to learn about the field of animal collective behavior research. (This video centers on the lab of Dr. Iain Couzin, who does similar work to the unit sponsor Dr. Albert Kao and was Albert's PhD advisor when they were both at Princeton).
Students will be able to...
Explain how flocking and schooling represent emergent properties that arise from simple rules operating in a complex group.
Connect their analog physical activities in Lesson 3 to a computer simulation of fish schooling.
Run digital experiments to analyze how simulation parameters affect the group movement behavior of digital fish.
Compare digital experimental results to real scientific results to better understand the nature of science.
Lesson 4 Presentation
Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound
Lesson 4 Worksheet (Teacher Key)
Print 1
Lesson 4 Worksheet (Student)
Print 1 Per Student
10 min: Evaluate
Students review the definition of emergence by recalling real-life examples. Through guided discussion, students recall the experimental methods of studying emergence from lesson 1.
10 min: Engage & Explore
Introduction to Swimming in the Dark Simulation
Introduction to Swimming in the Dark Simulation
Can we use a simulation to understand the schooling behavior of shiners? With guided exploration questions, students engage with the Swimming in the Dark simulation of schooling behavior.
20 min: Experiment
Gather and Analyze Data
Gather and Analyze Data
Students gather data to understand more about individual "rules" that contribute to emergence of schooling behavior in shiners.
10 min: Evaluate
Form Conclusions and Apply Insight
Form Conclusions and Apply Insight
Students interpret data from a related study of collective shiner behavior and relate it back to the conclusions from their experiment.
Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.
This lesson enabled students to understand factors driving schooling behavior. As an extension, have them grapple with Dr. Kao and collaborators' research into how the fisheries industry selects against schooling behavior.
Students will be able to...
Apply the concepts of complexity and emergence to the flow of information in social media networks.
Run simulations to test how different factors (such as unfriending rate or tolerance) affect social media network structure.
Use a digital simulation of social media networks to understand how echo chambers emerge in social media.
Evaluate how their own decisions on social media affect broader (emergent) patterns, such as the formation or breakdown of echo chambers.
Lesson 5 Presentation
Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound
Lesson 5 Worksheet (Teacher Key)
Print 1
Lesson 5 Worksheet (Student)
Print 1 Per Student
5 min: Evaluate
Students briefly review conclusions from the previous experiment and discuss ideas about how "schools of thought" emerge online.
20 min: Engage
Introduction to the EchoDemo Simulation
Introduction to the EchoDemo Simulation
How do simple human tendencies affect the emergent properties of opinions and friendships? With guided group discussion, students are introduced to the EchoDemo simulation of online social networks.
10 min: Explore
Discover Emergent Online Behavior
Discover Emergent Online Behavior
Students manipulate variables including unfriending, tolerance, and influence to discover the emergence of online echo chambers.
10 min: Explain & Elaborate
Make Connections & Share Opinions
Make Connections & Share Opinions
After watching a short news clip about echo chambers, students connect what they learned during the EchoDemo simulation to real life. Analysis questions allow students to share opinions and engage in discussion/debate.
Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.
Have advanced students grapple with this fascinating study published in the top journal Nature. Builds on topics from this lesson.
A popular press article in The Guardian citing the above study. May be polarizing, so you will be the best judge of whether this is a good article for your class to discuss.
Lesson 6 Overview (Teacher Guide)
Print 1
45 min: Ideas for Further Learning
Examine Your Own Social Network
Examine Your Own Social Network
Have students examine their own social media network and consider the friends, groups, and influencers they are connected to and follow. How different are the opinions that they see and hear? Do different “schools of thought” exist? What is their own unfriending behavior? Tolerance level?
Engage in Debate
Engage in Debate
Potential debate prompts include:
Host a Socratic seminar or Harkness discussion
Host a Socratic seminar or Harkness discussion
Students can prepare for structured discussions around questions such as:
Student Assessment
Printable assessment
Teacher Assessment
Printable assessment
Share your feedback in < 5 min with these forms:
This unit was created with support and in close collaboration with Dr. Albert Kao, an Assistant Professor at UMass Boston. The lessons do not directly tie into his work, but Lesson 4 centers on closely related work by his collaborators into the underlying behavioral rules that lead fish to form schools. Specifically, for this lesson we created the "Swimming in the Dark" simulation that allows students to run digital experiments to understand fish schooling behavior. The worksheet connects these activities to actual results from a paper in the journal Science (see below), which the lesson parallels.
Lesson 5 ties into a different body of research on how and why echo chambers form in human social media networks. Using another app we developed "EchoSim," students run another set of experiments, tinkering with different parameters (like tolerance to differing ideas or unfriending tendency) to see how they affect the structure of friendships and the flow of information. The simulation is based on code from Dr. Hao Peng, which he developed to support a paper he co-authored: Social influence and unfollowing accelerate the emergence of echo chambers.
All the other lessons support understanding and engagement in these complex bodies of research through creative activities.
Dr. Albert Kao studies the fascinating and interdisciplinary field of collective behavior. Collective behavior was coined to describe activities of large, loosely organized groups of people (like fads, cults, flash mobs, riots, and the like.) In recent decades, scientists such as Albert and his colleagues have expanded this definition to include other animal species such as ants, bees, great apes, and fish that live in large groups. In both humans and many group-living animal species, scientists are keen to understand how simple behavioral rules of individuals scale up to produce emergent properties that are present at the group-level, but that individuals don't have. Emergent properties like stampedes can obviously happen in human and animal populations, but recent advances in motion tracking of individual behavior and movements has allowed scientists to recognize other unexpected parallels between human and animal collective behavior--such as wisdom of the crowd and traffic.
As with this unit itself, Albert's work combines a lot of different approaches (such as computational simulations, lab experiments, and field work) to study how groups of humans and other animals make decisions collectively. Albert's work (and that of his former PhD advisor, Dr. Iain Couzin, and other collaborators) have been covered by many excellent popular press articles. Here is a selection of papers and their popular press summaries for you and your students to dive in:
Dimension: Disciplinary Core ideas
In Lesson 1, students will use their own social network to think about complexity. They'll then consider why we (and other animal groups) live in such complex groups. They will reflect on the pros and cons of group-living.
Students will discuss costs and benefits of group membership from an evolutionary standpoint in Lesson 1. They will gain deeper insights into this throughought the unit.
Dimension: Science & Engineering Practices
In Lesson 2, students will try to predict the behavior of "The Game of Life" simulation to begin to understand emergence. In lesson 4, they will change parameters controlling a fish schooling simulation to run experiments. In Lesson 5, they'll apply all their understanding of complexity and emergence to test how social media parameters lead to the formation of Echo Chambers.
Students will use the movement of their own bodies as a way to represent and understand fish schooling. They will compare this experience to the digital simulation in Lesson 4, and reconcile these results with scientific findings.
Dimension: Cross-Cutting Concepts
Particularly in Lesson 2, as students experiment with The Game of Life, they will see how patterns emerge unexpectedly at higher scales that are not present at smaller scales. (Like patterns they say when zoomed out on a big grid that are not present when zoomed in).
Dimension: Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calculus & Higher Level Thinking
In Lesson 4, students will witness random behavior of simulated fish as they run virtual experimental trials.
Using our "Swimming in the Dark" simulation, students will test the impact of different behavioral parameters on the schooling behavior of virtual fish.
Students will draw conclusions using data they collect about what factors explain the observation that fish are often found in shady spots.
Dimension: Measurement, Data, Probability & Statistics
In both simulations "Swimming in the Dark" and "EchoSim", students will interpret scatterplot data to understand trial results.
'How Aligned' not yet documented.
Dimension: Language, Speaking & Listening
Students will draw abstract representations of their own social networks and use it as a way to grapple with the concept of complexity.
Throughout the unit, students will acquire and use new scientific terms such as emergence and complexity. These are terms that many adults struggle to wrap their heads around, so it should be a fun challenge for students.
Dimension: Science & Engineering Practices
Students will draw their own social network to convey the concept of complexity in a personalized way.
Students will have multiple experiences to explore, tinker, and analyze simplified models of individual behavior. They will see multiple examples of how simple rules acting in complex groups lead to the emergence of unexpected patterns and phenomena.
The live action "flocking activity" and the "Swimming in the Dark" simulation are designed to help students internalize the mechanisms underlying the emergent property of fish schooling.
In the "Swimming in the Dark" activity, students will draw conclusions from evidence about what mechanism causes fish to school into the shade and stay there.
Students will run multiple trials using the "Swimming in the Dark" simulation. They will look at the impact of new data on the running average to understand relative impact of different variables.
Students will run multiple trials using the "Swimming in the Dark" simulation. They will look at the impact of new data on the running average to understand relative impact of different variables.
Particularly in the "EchoSim" simulation, students will analyze digital simulations of complex human social media behavior to draw conclusions about good digital citizenship.
Students will integrate findings from tinkering with the "EchoSim" simulation to predict patterns and understand complex social media behavioral patterns.
Dimension: Cross-Cutting Concepts
Throughout the unit, students will see that certain patterns "emerge" at one scale that are not present in the underlying individuals. Particularly in Lesson 2, as students experiment with The Game of Life, they will see patterns when zoomed out on a big grid that are not present when zoomed in.
By running experimental trials in a virtual simulation, students will see which factors have big and small impacts on digital fish schooling behavior.
In both simulations "Swimming in the Dark" and "EchoSim", students will tinker with variables, run trials, and collect response data from graphs to understand causal relationships between individual behavior rules and group behavior.
Every part of this unit involves the creation and interpretation of different physical, hand-drawn, and digital models for complex systems.
Jennifer Gentry, PhD Led the project; developed and researched storylines; drafted Lessons 1-4.
Stephanie Rapciak, MA Researched and undertook transformative revisions of all lesson materials.
Ranida McKneally, MLA Led the development and drafting of Lesson 5. Provided feedback on all lesson parts.
Stephanie Castillo, PhD Co-wrote, storyboarded, filmed, edited, and starred in Lesson 2 video "What makes a video go viral? Emergence!"
Sarah Grasty, MS Provided feedback, editorial revisions, and strategic input throughout development.
Albert Kao, PhD Defined outreach goals; provided feedback throughout development; provided scientific validation of lesson content.
Matt Wilkins, PhD Directed the project; helped develop, edit, and revise all aspects of the lesson
Created the ➚ "Swimming in the Dark" and ➚ "EchoSim" Echo Chamber Simulation simulations by heavily modifying code provided by others (see below)
Provided original Explorable code base for our ➚ "Swimming in the Dark" sim
Logistical support and mentorship with fork of ➚ "Swimming in the Dark" simulation
Provided original code base for ➚ "EchoSim" Echo Chamber Simulation
Provided feedback and helped develop the unit
Created illustrations for the unit and the video ▶ What makes a video go viral? Emergence!
Provided foundational materials for the Lesson 3 "Flock This Way" activity
Graciously provided the amazing starling murmuration footage that ends our video ▶ What makes a video go viral? Emergence!
September 28, 2 023
November 3, 2023