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English (US)


Building Resilience in Science

Building Resilience in Science
Sponsored by:
The Gist:

Help students sharpen their skills of inquiry and critical thinking and see that science is all around them! This student-centered, active learning unit helps students build resilience and growth mindsets as they approach scientific methods. Features 3 early career women in STEM!

Target Subject:
Estimated Time:
3 x 45min classes
Target Subject:
Estimated Time:
3 x 45min classes
Subject breakdown by standard alignments:Subject breakdown by standard alignments
Subject breakdown by standard alignments
Subject breakdown by standard alignments

Driving Question(s):

  1. Understand that how science works is diverse, dynamic, and requires resilience.
  2. Practices and approaches that scientists take are not distinct from, and often draw upon, skills cultivated through arts and humanities


Students will build question webs, draw comics, create hypotheses, and plan studies, all based on their own interests. Supported by videos that feature exciting new research, crafted specifically to interact with this learning experience.

identityselfinterdisciplinaryempowerconnectionscientific method
For Lesson 1
SciJourneys Trailer

Sets the goals and tone for the unit. Science is more than a single method. It's a journey!

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 1
How to Ask Better Science Questions

Indigenous ethnobotanist Rose Bear Don’t Walk demonstrates how scientists generate complex webs of higher-level questions.

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 2
How to create hypotheses? A biomechanical engineer explains

MIT-based biomechanical engineer Dr. Ritu Raman talks about hypotheses as a way of expressing curiosity about the world.

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 3
How to collect data? A glacial researcher explains

Cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz explains the importance of planning and teamwork prior to a season of fieldwork atop a glacier.

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 3
Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 1/3)

In Part 1, cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz sets the stage for a season of data collection atop a glacier.

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 3
Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 2/3)

In Part 2, cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz's team is faced with a data dilemma, what would do in this situation?

by Galactic Polymath
For Lesson 3
Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 3/3)

In Part 3, cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz's team reveals what they did when faced with a data detour from their original plan.

by Galactic Polymath
  • SciJourneys Trailer
  • How to Ask Better Science Questions
  • How to create hypotheses? A biomechanical engineer explains
  • How to collect data? A glacial researcher explains
  • Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 1/3)
  • Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 2/3)
  • Field Notes- What happens when your field season goes all wrong? (Part 3/3)

3 x 45 min

Available Grade Bands

Available Teaching Environments

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  1. Practice forming and sharing higher-level, scientific questions.

  2. Build questioning capacity through learning about the story and scientific work of ethnobotanist Rose Bear Don't Walk.

  3. Understand several challenges in asking higher-level, scientific questions.

  4. Reflect upon their own challenges and triumphs when asking questions in science.

Materials for Grades 6–10
  1. Presentation (Lesson 1)

    Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound

  2. For teachers guides, sign in with a free account!

    Teacher Worksheet (Lesson 1)

    Print 1

  3. Student Worksheet (Lesson 1)

    Print 1 Per Student

Steps & Flow

5 min: Engage


Crafting Questions: Round 1 (Individual)


Crafting Questions: Round 1 (Individual)

To begin the lesson, students spend a few minutes individually writing down as many questions that they can related to an image of a wild rose.

10 min: Explore


Asking Questions with an Ethnobotanist


Asking Questions with an Ethnobotanist

Students watch a video that introduces them to Rose Bear Don't Walk; an ethnobotanist who loves asking questions! ▶ How to Ask Better Science Questions

  • Ethnobotany: the study of people's relationships with food plants.

15 min: Elaborate


Crafting Questions: Round 2 (Small Group)


Crafting Questions: Round 2 (Small Group)

In small groups, students spend a few minutes writing down higher-level questions about an image of a huckleberry.

After round 2, students will likely realize that working in teams and building upon Rose's work made it easier to form higher-level questions.

  • Higher-level questions: questions that are specific, creative, exciting, testable, interesting, novel, fascinating.

Question Web Challenge


Question Web Challenge

Each student starts by writing a question that they are genuinely curious about, then they pass their worksheet to the left. They will add an additional question that builds upon the previous person's question, creating a question web.

15 min: Evaluate


Navigating Challenges


Navigating Challenges

Students listen to what challenged Rose as a young scientist and what she learned along the way.


Villains of Question-Asking


Villains of Question-Asking

Students identify general challenges with asking questions by coming up with descriptions for "question-asking villains".


Map your question-asking journey!


Map your question-asking journey!

Students reflect upon their journey in asking questions, filled with unique challenges and triumphs.

Going Further

Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.

  1. Ethnobotany: Challenges and Future Perspectives

    Have students dive into the science of ethnobotany by reading this short scientific review article.

  2. Well grounded: Indigenous Peoples' knowledge, ethnobiology and sustainability

    Another great introductory paper about ethnobotany/ethnobiology.

  3. Recovering our Roots: The Importance of Salish Ethnobotanical Knowledge and Traditional Food Systems to Community Wellbeing on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana

    Students can dive into Rose's Master's thesis paper!

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  1. Understand the definition of a hypothesis and what makes a hypothesis testable.

  2. Appreciate the creativity and ingenuity involved in developing hypotheses through the story of biomechanical engineer Ritu Raman.

  3. Generate numerous hypotheses connected to a research question.

  4. Evaluate if hypotheses are specific, testable, and answered with data.

Materials for Grades 6–10
  1. Presentation (Lesson 2)

    Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound

  2. For teachers guides, sign in with a free account!

    Teacher Worksheet (Lesson 2)

    Print 1

  3. Student Worksheet (Lesson 2)

    Print 1 Per Student

  4. Card/ Table (Lesson 2)

Steps & Flow

10 min: Engage


Card Sort Activity


Card Sort Activity

Students will start the lesson by sorting 5 different cards into "testable" or "not testable", followed by a group discussion.

25 min: Explore


What is a hypothesis?


What is a hypothesis?

Students get to know the definition of a hypothesis from biomechanical engineer Ritu Raman and learn how she uses them in her work (Video: ▶ How to create hypotheses? A biomechanical engineer explains).

  • Hypothesis: a possible answer to a question, a way to express your curiosity

How many hypotheses can you create?


How many hypotheses can you create?

Given a student-relevant observation and research question, students generate as many hypotheses as possible.

10 min: Evaluate


Check your hypotheses


Check your hypotheses

Students evaluate their hypotheses for specificity, testability, and if they can be answered with data.

Going Further

Ideas and resources for deepening learning on this topic.

  1. A World of Women in STEM: Dr. Ritu Raman

    Students can learn more about how Ritu's engineering work is similar to being a "biological architect".

  2. MIT Engineers Design Flexible "Skeletons" for Soft, Muscle-Powered Robots

    This is a more advanced article about the incredible potential of Ritu's engineering work.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  1. Analyze the role of hypotheses in scientific investigations and understand situations where data collection might proceed without a hypothesis

  2. Develop strategies to adapt and continue data collection in the face of unexpected challenges

  3. Collaborate to design a comprehensive data collection plan and anticipate potential challenges

  4. Identify and describe various types of data that can be collected to understand phenomena.

Materials for Grades 6–10
  1. Presentation (Lesson 3)

    Need: WiFi, Computer, Projector, Sound

  2. Student Worksheet (Lesson 3)

    Print 1 Per Student

  3. For teachers guides, sign in with a free account!

    Teacher Worksheet (Lesson 3)

    Print 1

Steps & Flow

20 min: Engage





Students begin by brainstorming what data they could collect if they were an "alien humanologist." Afterwards, students watch a short video clip featuring cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz.





After watching a short video, students brainstorm multiple data points that could be gathered in order to better understand their classroom.

10 min: Explain


What's your data detour?


What's your data detour?

Students watch a series of three 1-minute videos of Celeste Labedz describing a moment where she had to change her data collection plan. In between each video, they grapple with what they would do!

15 min: Elaborate


Plan your study!


Plan your study!

Students use a customized graphic organizer to plan their own study. A key component is to list potential hazards and brainstorm strategies to salvage their study.

Materials for Grades 6–10
  1. SciJourneys_Assessment

    Digital form for pre/post test assessment. See printable teacher version for evaluation guidance.

  2. For teachers guides, sign in with a free account!

    SciJourneys_Pre-Post Assessment (TEACHER KEY)

    Printable assessment

  3. SciJourneys_Pre-Post Assessment (STUDENT)

    Printable assessment


SciJourneys Downloadable Maps

Have your students map out their own SciJourneys, annotate challenges and solutions at each step, or document the journey of a scientific study described in a paper they investigate on their own. SciJourneys map Download formats:

More bonus resources:
SciJourneys grew out of a podcast series featuring 6 women in STEM. Check out the original animated podcast Verbing Science! series here.

Connection to Research

To break open the steps of the traditional scientific method, students will follow in the footsteps of young, accomplished women scientists across a broad range of disciplines, including ethnobotany, biomechanical engineering, and cryoseismology. By exploring the diverse paths these scientists have navigated, students will gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of what science entails and also challenge preconceived notions of who can be a scientist.

Research Background

The scientific method is typically taught in science classrooms as a series of content-stripped steps that can guide students’ inquiry. However, teaching science as a journey by following in scientists’ footsteps emphasizes the dynamic and diverse nature of scientific inquiry. This approach allows students to understand that science is not a linear process and that scientists grapple with challenges, setbacks, and unexpected findings. By acknowledging the difficulties inherent in scientific inquiry, students will develop strategies to overcome these challenges and build resilience. This perspective encourages deeper engagement with scientific processes and fosters a more realistic and inspiring view of what it means to be a scientist.

Further Reading

Scientific Articles

  • Butler, L. P. (2020). The empirical child? A framework for investigating the development of scientific habits of mind. Child Development Perspectives, 14(1), 34-40. (link)
  • Tang, X., Coffey, J. E., Elby, A., & Levin, D. M. (2010). The scientific method and scientific inquiry: Tensions in teaching and learning. Science education, 94(1), 29-47. (link)

Target Standard(s)

Skills and concepts directly taught or reinforced by this lesson

Dimension: Language, Speaking & Listening

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students interpret information from ethnobotanist Rose Bear Don't Walk to build their questioning capacity, and in Lesson 3, they interpret information from cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz to analyze the role of hypotheses in scientific investigations.

Dimension: Science & Engineering Practices

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students observe an image and write down as many questions as they can related to it; in Lesson 2, they observe and categorize hypotheses, asking questions to determine if they can be tested; and in Lesson 3, they ask questions to determine what data they would need to collect to better understand a phenomenon.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students plan an investigation centered around data collection, either individually or collaboratively.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students plan to collect data in a controlled environment to answer scientific questions, preparing for potential challenges.

Dimension: Developing Questions & Planning Inquiries

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students learn from Rose Bear Don’t Walk's questioning techniques and apply these techniques to their own questions.

Dimension: Peace and Prosperity

How does the lesson address this standard?

Each lesson focuses on research conducted by innovative women in STEM: ethnobotanist Rose Bear Don't Walk, biomechanical engineer Ritu Raman, and cryoseismologist Celeste Labedz.

Dimension: Social Awareness & Relationships

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students practice forming and sharing questions within a group setting.

Connected Standard(s)

Skills and concepts reviewed or hinted at in this lesson (for building upon)

Dimension: Measurement, Data, Probability & Statistics

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students create and describe the characteristics they are investigating, including the units of measurement.

Dimension: Language, Speaking & Listening

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students practice forming and sharing questions through collaborative discussions; in Lesson 2, they engage in collaborative discussions to generate and categorize hypotheses; and in Lesson 3, they participate in discussions to identify and describe various types of data that can be collected to understand phenomena.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students present their higher-level questions to the class, practicing clear and logical presentation skills, and in Lesson 2, they present and evaluate their hypotheses to ensure they are specific, testable, and data-driven.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students follow guidelines for collaborative discussions to develop strategies for adapting and continuing data collection.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students prepare to discuss the questioning process demonstrated by Rose Bear Don't Walk and build their questioning capacity.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students reflect on their own experiences and paraphrase key ideas discussed, while in Lesson 2, they review and reflect on key ideas expressed by Ritu Raman in the video clips.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 2, students pose and respond to questions about what makes a hypothesis testable, and in Lesson 3, they pose and respond to questions to collaboratively design a comprehensive data collection plan.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students practice forming and sharing questions through collaborative discussions; in Lesson 2, they engage in collaborative discussions to generate and categorize hypotheses; and in Lesson 3, they participate in discussions to identify and describe various types of data that can be collected to understand phenomena.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students present their higher-level questions to the class, practicing clear and logical presentation skills, and in Lesson 2, they present and evaluate their hypotheses to ensure they are specific, testable, and data-driven.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students follow guidelines for collaborative discussions to develop strategies for adapting and continuing data collection.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students reflect on their own experiences and paraphrase key ideas discussed, while in Lesson 2, they review and reflect on key ideas expressed by Ritu Raman in the video clips.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Throughout lessons 2 and 3 students work collaboratively to generate questions and drive solutions.

Dimension: Science & Engineering Practices

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students work in groups to brainstorm higher-level scientific questions about an image, ensuring the questions are evidence-based; in Lesson 2, they identify the empirical evidence needed to test hypotheses during a discussion activity; and in Lesson 3, they reflect on their questions and consider the empirical evidence required to answer them.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 2, students ask questions to determine relationships and modify non-testable hypotheses into testable ones, and in Lesson 3, they explore the relationship between collected data and forming hypotheses to determine which questions can be tested.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students create questions that can be explored with available resources and make hypotheses based on what they observe.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students construct explanations based on evidence and learn about scientific principles through Rose Bear Don’t Walk's story, and in Lesson 2, they reflect on how scientific methods and principles are used to validate hypotheses, constructing explanations based on evidence.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students generate questions that can be investigated within the classroom environment, framing hypotheses based on observations; in Lesson 2, they create testable hypotheses using available classroom resources; and in Lesson 3, they generate questions to investigate with available resources and frame hypotheses based on observations.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students use scientific principles to create and revise hypotheses, making sure they are specific, testable, and data-driven.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students learn from Rose Bear Don’t Walk's questioning techniques and apply them to their own questions; in Lesson 2, they clarify what makes a hypothesis testable by discussing the evidence and premises involved; and in Lesson 3, they clarify what data is needed to understand a phenomenon, enhancing their ability to ask precise questions.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students collaboratively build higher-level questions centered around a common phenomenon, and in Lesson 3, they collaboratively plan an investigation centered around data collection.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students challenge their initial questions and develop more refined ones to enhance their critical thinking skills; in Lesson 2, they challenge and refine the premises of hypotheses to better understand their testability; and in Lesson 3, they challenge their assumptions about the necessity of hypotheses in all scientific studies.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In each lesson, students gather and synthesize information from scientists and their methods to understand data collection in scientific research.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students observe an image and write down as many questions as they can related to it; in Lesson 2, they observe and categorize hypotheses, asking questions to determine if they can be tested; and in Lesson 3, they ask questions to determine what data they would need to collect to better understand a phenomenon.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In each lesson students generate questions relevant to a phenomenon and evaluate if the question is testable in terms of what type of data can be collected.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 2, students ask questions to determine relationships and modify non-testable hypotheses into testable ones, and in Lesson 3, they explore the relationship between collected data and forming hypotheses to determine which questions can be tested.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students plan to collect data in a controlled environment to answer scientific questions, preparing for potential challenges.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students create questions that can be explored with available resources and make hypotheses based on what they observe.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students plan an investigation centered around data collection, either individually or collaboratively.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students construct explanations based on evidence and learn about scientific principles through Rose Bear Don’t Walk's story, and in Lesson 2, they reflect on how scientific methods and principles are used to validate hypotheses, constructing explanations based on evidence.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students generate questions that can be investigated within the classroom environment, framing hypotheses based on observations; in Lesson 2, they create testable hypotheses using available classroom resources; and in Lesson 3, they generate questions to investigate with available resources and frame hypotheses based on observations.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students use scientific principles to create and revise hypotheses, making sure they are specific, testable, and data-driven.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students learn from Rose Bear Don’t Walk's questioning techniques and apply them to their own questions; in Lesson 2, they clarify what makes a hypothesis testable by discussing the evidence and premises involved; and in Lesson 3, they clarify what data is needed to understand a phenomenon, enhancing their ability to ask precise questions.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students collaboratively build higher-level questions centered around a common phenomenon, and in Lesson 3, they collaboratively plan an investigation centered around data collection.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lesson 1, students challenge their initial questions and develop more refined ones to enhance their critical thinking skills; in Lesson 2, they challenge and refine the premises of hypotheses to better understand their testability; and in Lesson 3, they challenge their assumptions about the necessity of hypotheses in all scientific studies.

How does the lesson address this standard?

In each lesson, students gather and synthesize information from scientists and their methods to understand data collection in scientific research.

Dimension: Disciplinary Core ideas

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students analyze the role of hypotheses and explore situations where data collection can proceed without them.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students develop strategies to adapt and continue data collection when faced with unexpected challenges, refining their approach through repeated iterations.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students work together to create a data collection plan, using clear steps to find solutions and prepare for challenges.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students analyze the role of hypotheses and explore situations where data collection can proceed without them.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students develop strategies to adapt and continue data collection when faced with unexpected challenges, refining their approach through repeated iterations.

Dimension: Developing Questions & Planning Inquiries

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students practice forming questions that represent key ideas in ethnobotany.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Guided by scientist Ritu Raman, students discuss and agree on what makes a hypothesis testable.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students practice forming questions that represent key ideas in ethnobotany.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students learn from Rose Bear Don’t Walk's questioning techniques and apply these techniques to their own questions.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Guided by scientist Ritu Raman, students discuss and agree on what makes a hypothesis testable.

Dimension: Peace and Prosperity

How does the lesson address this standard?

In Lessons 1 and 3, students collaboratively practice forming and sharing higher-level questions in an open, equitable environment, leading to planning an investigation.

Dimension: Responsibility

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students consider ethical and societal factors when deciding whether to form hypotheses.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students develop systematic strategies to adapt data collection methods when faced with challenges.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students use problem-solving skills to design a data collection plan and anticipate challenges.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students take responsibility for finding and describing different types of data to understand phenomena.

Dimension: Social Awareness & Relationships

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students learn from Rose Bear Don’t Walk's questioning techniques and use them to improve their own questions.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students reflect on Ritu Raman’s creative approach to developing hypotheses and learn to appreciate different scientific methods.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students consider various perspectives while generating hypotheses.

Dimension: Self Awareness & Self Management

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students identify the personal challenges they face when asking higher-level questions.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students reflect on their own experiences and feelings about asking questions in science.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students develop confidence in their ability to identify and test hypotheses.

How does the lesson address this standard?

Students set goals to create testable hypotheses and evaluate their success.

Stephanie Rapciak: Led the project, spearheaded all curricular materials, co-developed framework, and produced videos
Matt Wilkins: Co-developed framework, produced videos, contributed to all curricular materials
Jocelyn Bosley: Formulated project vision, co-developed framework, provided science communication expertise
Katie Capp, PhD: Helped align to standards and finalize all materials
Stephanie Castillo: Produced and edited all videos
Anna Wilkins: Developed vision for framework figures and created all illustrations

Featured Scientists

Illustrator for banner, SciJourneys map, and many other supporting materials

  • Anna Wilkins Freelance Character Designer & Storyboard ArtistAtlanta, GA
Content Reviewers

Provided valuable feedback prior to release

Beta Tester

Trialed lessons with students


Contributed to early framework vision

Graphic Designer

Helped design layout for Research Planning Canvas (for L3)

  • Carver Lee Freelance Graphic Designer, Arcturus Design Nashville, TN

Major Release 1

1.1.0 Aligned to high school NGSS standards and changed grade band from 6-8 to 6-10

Aug 29, 2024

1.0.0 Added final versions of assets and printable SciJourneys Maps

Aug 20, 2024

Major Release Beta

0.4.0 Tidying up for full release. Added trailer.

Aug 15, 2024

0.3.1 Update acknowledgments

Aug 6, 2024

0.3.0 Significant updates, prepping for L2 launch

July 1, 2024

0.2.0 Lesson 1 alpha posted

May 2, 2024

0.1.0 Unit initialized

October 05, 2023